Did You Know?

November Clothing Drive

The Sharing Shelf

For the month of November the Children's Room will be collecting donations of new socks & underwear for The Sharing Shelf. 

The Sharing Shelf addresses clothing insecurity and meets the basic material needs of low-income children and teens in Westchester County. We are committed to the whole child, from birth through age 19, and provide each child we serve with a Wardrobe Pack – a week’s worth of seasonally appropriate clothing – together with essentials including diapers for infants and toddlers, toiletry kits, period products, new socks, new underwear. 


To learn more visit their website here.

Halloween Fun

We had a blast at Halloween Fun with Angel Elektra! We read a book, sang some songs, had a costume show-and-tell, had a dance party and trick-or-treated around the library.

Halloween Fun with Angel Elektra

Storywalk at Gedney Park

I Am A Cat by Galia Bernstein book cover

I Am A Cat by Galia Bernstein

Simon shows the big cats that he's just like them. . .only smaller. And we're all more alike than we think. . .if we look closely enough.

Sponsored by the Chappaqua Library, New Castle Recreation & Parks, and the Friends of the Chappaqua Library