Effective January 1, 2025 changes coming to the Westchester Library System App.
The current version of the Westchester Library System App will be retired on 1/1/2025 and replaced with a new and improved app mid-January. Your barcode will still be visible on the old app, so please keep it on your device for now. Please use the library catalog to view your account and place holds.
Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia
Britannica High School Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia articles, multimedia, primary sources, games that support research, classroom exploration, and curriculum standards.
Britannica Middle Encyclopedia
Common Sense Media
Educator's Reference Complete
A collection of news articles, scholarly articles, videos, and other materials related to education at all levels.
Gale High School Edition
Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and refererence materials selected for high school students.
Gale in Context: Elementary
Gale in Context: Middle School
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints
Khan Academy Videos
LinkedIn Learning
Mango Languages
Learning resources that connect teachers, students, parents and caregivers to the inspiring work of NASA.