Public Computers Unavailable on Tuesday, March 25.

New public computers will be installed on 3/25.

Exhibition Policy for Display Cases

The materials displayed in the library display cases shall reflect its role as an educational and cultural institution. The displays will be free and open to the public. All displays must be reviewed and approved by the library curator.

Responsibility: The use of the display cases of the Chappaqua Library is scheduled at the discretion of the curator. All display material must be delivered to the library by the exhibitor or representative in display-ready condition at the convenience of the curator.

The location and overall appearance of the display cases is the sole responsibility of the curator.

Use of the display cases for Chappaqua Library programs and library exhibits takes precedence over use by outside groups and individuals.

Eligibility: Any person, group or organization is subject to the applicable Chappaqua Library Board of Trustees policies which may prohibit or limit the use of the facilities by commercial organizations and to applicable New York State Education Law (section 414) that may, among other things, prohibit or limit the use of facilities by: a) partisan political groups for political purposes and b) religious groups for religious purposes.

Liability and Financial Responsibility: The Library does not accept any responsibility or liability for the preservation, protection, loss of or damage to any part of a display at any time. All items brought to and placed in the Library are done so at the owner’s risk. The owner of the displayed materials shall indemnify and hold the Library harmless from any loss, damage, liability, costs and/or expense, including but not limited to attorney fees, that may arise during or to be caused in any way by the owner’s use of the Library display cases and compensate the Library for any damages to the Library’s Display Cases, or other property of the Library caused by or resulting from the use of the Display Cases.

Applications: Applications must be submitted in writing to the curator on the application form provided by the library.

Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees: May 8, 2012

Updated: January 22, 2024