Public Computers Unavailable on Tuesday, March 25.

New public computers will be installed on 3/25.

Internet Policy

As part of its charter to provide a broad range of information in a variety of formats, the Chappaqua Central School District Public Library provides access to the Internet. Staff will conduct Internet searches on behalf of patrons when warranted as part of the library’s reference and information services. Computers are also available for patrons who wish to conduct their own searches or use other Internet resources. Wireless connectivity is available for those who wish to connect to the Internet using their own devices. We circulate technology (eg.. WiFi Hotspot and Chromebooks) to facilitate access to and use of the internet.

Patrons must use their library barcode or a guest pass to access the Internet using the library’s computers. Each patron will be assigned a 30 minute appointment which can be extended to a maximum of two hours per day. Longer periods may be requested and will be provided at the discretion of the reference librarians. By logging onto the internet, patrons agree to the above terms.

The library is responsible only for the information provided on its own Web site. Access points and links to information resources on the library’s homepage are selected by library staff and are checked regularly to ensure that they remain valid and consistent with the role of the library. The library cannot monitor or control information accessed via the Internet. The library cannot guarantee that information on the Internet is accurate. If requested, staff will assist patrons in conducting searches and offer guidance on evaluating sources and verifying information.

The library is not responsible for any liability that may occur as a result of the disclosure of financial or other personal information over the library’s public computer services.  Users should be aware that use of public computers is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding the user's activities. 

Library staff will assist patrons with searches and suggest search strategies. Those wishing more advanced instruction should sign up for one of the computer instruction sessions provided for by the library.

When it is technically possible to do so, files may be downloaded to portable storage devices or printed to designated printers. Users agree to observe all copyright and licensing laws and will not duplicate any computer programs or documentation unless expressly labeled as being “in the public domain” or “shareware.” No personal software may be loaded on library computer hard drives. No private files may be stored on the library computer(s), and any files left on the computers will be deleted. Users will supply their own portable storage device or purchase such a device from the Circulation Department. . A “per page” fee will be charged for all material printed using the library’s printer.

Children have priority use of the Children’s Room devices. Parents or guardians are advised to take an active interest in their children’s online use. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct, or indirect, which arise from use of electronic services.

Use of the Internet for activities that violate local, state or federal laws is prohibited. This includes activities such as viewing child pornography, committing fraud, harassment, hacking or spreading libel or slander.

Patrons, including minors, who access the Internet in the library, may not display text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene or pornographic as defined by law, or may reasonably be deemed as harmful to minors. Chappaqua Library staff have the right to take appropriate actions to enforce the rules of conduct and to prohibit use of computers by individuals who fail to comply.

Deliberate and continued display of some materials that are not obscene or pornographic may still constitute sexual harassment. Actions that violate federal, state, or local laws will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Repeated actions that create a disturbance or that may be considered sexual harassment may result in the loss of some or all library privileges.

Users, including minors, are advised not to share personal identification information to unknown or otherwise unverified sources via electronic communication.


Adopted October 19, 2010

Revised February 2023

Next Review Date: February 2026