Public Computers Unavailable on Tuesday, March 25.

New public computers will be installed on 3/25.

Lactation Policy

The Chappaqua Central School District Public Library (“ Library”) provides unpaid break time during the work day to Library employees who are nursing in order to express breast milk.  An employee is entitled to this unpaid break time for the expression of breast milk for up to two (2) years following the birth of their child (this includes a stillborn child and a child over whom the employee no longer retains custody). 

The Library will make available a location, other than a restroom, where an employee may express breast milk in privacy and will allow reasonable breaks for the purpose of expressing breast milk.  Generally, these breaks shall be 20 to 30 minutes in duration, once every three (3) hours.  An employee may require a different break schedule and, if so, the employee should notify their supervisor who will work with them to accommodate their needs.  The employee may be required to postpone their scheduled unpaid break time for no more than 30 minutes if they cannot be spared from their duties until appropriate coverage arrives.  

Any employee interested in breast milk expression breaks should notify their supervisor or the Library Director, preferably prior to the employee’s return to work of the need for this accommodation. No employee will be subject to discrimination or retaliation for exercising their rights under this policy.


Adopted: March 27, 2023