Public Computers Unavailable on Tuesday, March 25.

New public computers will be installed on 3/25.

Pandemic Policy

Purpose of the Policy

In the event of a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak, the Chappaqua Central School District Library (hereinafter also referred to as the “Library”) must plan for the safety of the patrons and the staff, as well as continuity of operations in a manner that is safe, mission-driven, and responsive to the community as well as to the situation. The Library’s response to the pandemic must be flexible and informed by governmental directives and regulations, know best practices established by library authorities, and guidance from the health department or health authorities. It is ultimately up to the discretion of the Library Director (hereinafter referred to as “Director”) or designated successor and the Chappaqua Central School District Library Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as “Board of Trustees”) when and how to respond to the pandemic while complying with the laws and regulations of federal, state, county, and local government agencies and public health authorities.

A Pandemic Team will be formed and will consist of the Library Director, Assistant Director, Department Heads and any other staff as necessary and appropriate.

The Library Director in consultation and with approval from the Board of Trustees will develop and write and routinely re-assess the safety plan which will be updated no less than weekly or as needed. A Safety Plan includes detailed instructions for each phase of re-opening.

The health and safety of staff and patrons is our top priority. There will be no retaliation against employees who express concerns about safety.

The Board of Trustees may change or amend or suspend policies as necessary. There will be no discrimination in the implementation of any of these protocols.

Contents of Safety Plan

The Safety Plan includes detailed instructions for all aspects of the library operations and each phase of re-opening.

The safety plan will go into effect and remain in effect at the Director’s discretion based on direction from official entities and direction from the Board of Trustees. The plan will be reviewed and revised by the Pandemic Team as defined herein. The Pandemic Team shall undertake a review no less than once each calendar year. Once activated, unless otherwise specified by the team, the plan will be reviewed and revised weekly. Additionally, the Director can call for an immediate review of the Safety Plan at their discretion.

The plan will include, but not be limited to, the following categories.

  • Library Closure
  • Reduction of Library Services
  • Cleaning and Safety Protocols
  • Maintaining Essential Operations
    • Building maintenance
    • Administration
  • Communications with the Public
  • Communications with Staff
  • Maintaining Service to the Public
  • Employee Attendance and Activities
    • Working from home
  • Phased Reopening


Adopted: November 17, 2020

Reaffirmed: January 22, 2024