Public Computers Unavailable on Tuesday, March 25.

New public computers will be installed on 3/25.

Patron Conduct Policy

Policy Statement & Purpose

The Chappaqua Library is a welcoming community center for human interaction, intellectual stimulation and cultural enrichment for people of all ages. The Library Patron Conduct Policy is designed to provide clear and reasonable guidelines for patron behavior within the property of the Library. The Library prides itself on being a place where everyone can enjoy and have a productive experience. To do so requires everyone's cooperation. Everyone can help achieve this goal by following the rules listed below.

Patron Rules of Behavior

  1. Animals: Only service animals or animals used in Library programs are permitted in the building and courtyards.
  2. Children: Children are enthusiastically welcomed. However: No running in the building. The Library is not responsible for the care of unattended children. Please refer to our Unattended Children Policy for further information.
  3. Clothing: Appropriate attire for a public building, including shirts and footwear, must be worn on Library property.
  4. Damage or Theft of Property: Use the Library equipment, materials and furniture properly and for their intended use. No feet on the furniture. Do not damage, deface, destroy, or steal any property and/or materials belonging to the Library. This includes disabling or unplugging Library equipment, changing hardware or software, using a Library computer for purposes not designated by the Library, underlining, highlighting, removing pages or portions of pages, or removing book bindings. Do not damage, deface, destroy, take without permission or steal any property and/or materials belonging to Library patrons or staff.
  5. Food & Drink: Food or drinks are permitted only in designated areas. (Exceptions may be made for specific Library programs including refreshments.) Beverages are permitted only in closed containers. No beverages may be consumed at or placed on Library-owned computer workstations.
  6. General Behavior: Behavior disturbing other patrons’ use of the Library will not be accepted. 
    We reserve the right to impose time limits on the use of Library resources.
    We expect all discourse to be conducted in a courteous and respectful manner.
    The Library is a neutral space and staff are not at liberty to discuss political issues at service points.
    Any behavior contrary to law is prohibited.
    Physically or verbally assaulting, threatening, intimidating, harassing or abusing any patron or staff will not be permitted and will result in expulsion or further action.
    Hate speech, hate symbols, slurs, fighting words and other forms of personal attacks are prohibited and will result in expulsion or further action.
    Any form of sexual misconduct, such as exposure, offensive touching or sexual harassment as defined by New York State law are prohibited and will result in expulsion or further action.
  7. Hygiene: Those whose odor impairs the ability of other users to use the Library may be required to leave the building. No bathing, shaving, washing clothes in or other misuse of Library restrooms is permitted.
  8. Internet Policy: Patrons are expected to follow the Chappaqua Library’s Internet Policy. The viewing or display of offensive, obscene or pornographic material or websites are prohibited. 
  9. Leave No Trace: Please clean up after yourself using appropriate receptacles.
  10. Micromobility or pedestrian conveyance vehicles**: Skates, rollerblades, skateboards, hoverboards and recreational scooters may not be used in or around the building. Bicycles may not be brought into the Library; they must be parked in the bicycle racks by the entrance to the Library. Bicycles left locked overnight may be removed by the Library.
  11. Noise & Cell Phones: Please keep noise to an appropriate level so that it does not interfere with others’ use of the Library. We reserve the right to limit the number of persons congregating together. Cell phones should be put on vibrate or silent mode when in the Library. Cell phone voice calls are permitted only in the lobby and outside the building. Do not play any audio equipment without using headphones or earphones to make the sound inaudible to others. If sound is audible, the patron will be required to cease using the device.
  12. Patron Property: Personal property may not obstruct aisles, walkways or seating. The Library is not responsible for any personal property. Personal items left in the Library may be discarded.
  13. Parking: The parking lot is for the exclusive use of the patrons while using and staff while working at, the Library.
  14. Protests: Protests/demonstrations are not permitted on Library property.
  15. Sleeping: Prolonged or noisy sleeping, loitering without using Library resources or services or assisting others in using such resources or services, are prohibited.
  16. Smoking or Vaping, Alcohol or Illegal Drugs: Vaping or use of tobacco products, intoxication, possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted.
    As per NYS Public Health Law §1399o; 6, smoking is prohibited within one hundred feet of the entrances, exits or outdoor areas of the Library.
  17. Soliciting: Soliciting, petitioning, posting of fliers, distributing materials or selling tickets or merchandise on Library property are not permitted.
    The only exceptions to this rule involve Friends of the Chappaqua Library, or groups approved to use the Library theater.
  18. Staff Only Spaces:  Please do not enter staff designated areas such as behind service desks and staff offices unless expressly invited by a staff member.
  19. Video & Photography:  Photography or videotaping of the Library and its collections, exhibits, staff and patrons is permitted only with the prior approval of the Library Director or their designated representative.
  20. Weapons:  Possession of a weapon, as defined by NYS Penal Law 265, by anyone other than a law enforcement officer is prohibited. The Library reserves the right to inspect all backpacks, briefcases, handbags and other packages.


Members of the public who break these rules may be: asked to leave, expelled from the Library premises and/or have library privileges withdrawn by the Library Director, or designee, for a specific (“suspension”) or indefinite period of time (“banned”). Unlawful or other behavior may result in the involvement of the Chappaqua Police Department. The Library may also seek restitution for damage to Library property.

Persons from whom these privileges have been withdrawn have the right to appeal in writing to the Library Board of Trustees. The appeals process for a suspension or ban from the Library is as follows:

  1. The Director shall issue a written suspension or ban letter to the individual. The letter shall indicate the reason for the suspension or ban and the time period of the suspension or ban. If the suspended or banned patron is under the age of eighteen, any correspondence will be sent to the parent or legal guardian.
  2. A written incident report will be kept on file.
  3. Any person who enters the Chappaqua Library while suspended or banned shall be reported to the police/sheriff and will be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
  4. A suspended or banned patron may appeal the decision of the Director by written request to the Chappaqua Library Board of Trustees. The Library Board shall consider the appeal at the next scheduled meeting of the full board. At that meeting, the Library staff involved, the Director and the banned patron shall have an opportunity to provide relevant information for the Board of Trustees or to a Hearing Officer designated by the Board of Trustees. The findings and recommendations of the Hearing Officer shall be referred to the Board of Trustees for review and any final action. Appeals will be governed by law, and during the appeal period, the individual may not use the Library.
  5. The Board of Trustees shall mail a letter indicating their determination with regard to the suspension or banning to the Director and to the suspended or banned individual.


Adopted: May 19, 1998
Revised: Feb. 28, 2007, Oct. 18, 2011, June 19, 2012, August 20, 2019, October 20, 2020, December 21, 2021, January 2023


Related Policies:
Anti-Bullying & Harassment
Child Safety
Internet and Use of Library Computers