Purchasing/Bidding Policy

General Procedures:

The purchasing procedures of the Library shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the State and Commissioner of Education. The procedures will be specifically defined in the Purchasing and Bidding regulation which accompanies this policy.

No Board member, officer, or employee of this Library shall be interested financially in any contract entered into by the Library.

All checks drawn on the library’s bank accounts must have two signatures. One signature must be that of the Treasurer or, in their absence, one officer of the Board.

All financial records will be reviewed annually and audited by a certified accounting firm and subject to auditing standards and opinions rendered.

Bidding Procedures:

All purchase contracts for materials, equipment and/or supplies involving an annual expenditure of over $20,000 and all public works contracts involving over $35,000 shall be awarded on the basis of public advertising and competitive bidding.

However, the Board authorizes the award of purchase contracts on the basis of value. "Best value" means optimizing quality, cost and efficiency. The basis for best value shall reflect, whenever possible, objective and quantifiable analysis and may also take into consideration small businesses or certified minority-owned or women-owned businesses.

All contracts which require public advertising and competitive bidding shall be awarded by resolution of the Board. Recommendations for the award of all such contracts shall be submitted to the Board by the Library Director.

Purchasing from State, Federal and Other Political Subdivision Contracts:

Purchases shall be made through available contracts let by the United States or any agency thereof, any state or any political subdivision or district therein in accordance with General Municipal Law Section 103 when it is determined to be in the best interest of the Library.

Professional Services and Consultants:

The Board of Trustees shall utilize Requests for Proposal (RFPs) for the procurement of professional services whenever the cost of such services exceeds an annual expenditure of $40,000. Contracts shall be awarded to the professional service provider deemed by the Board to be best able to provide the specialized skill, expertise, and professional judgment required, at a fiscally prudent and reasonable price.

The Board recognizes that there may be some professional services in excess of $40,000 that are so unique that no other service provider offers substantially equivalent or similar services. In such case, the Board shall consider the recommendation of the Director, based upon documentation provided by the requesting party that sets forth the unique benefit of such service, including the reasonableness of the cost. The Board may approve such service by resolution, reflecting that this exception applies.

Contractual agreements with providers of professional services shall be approved by the Board at regular public meetings upon the recommendation of the Director.


Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees – February 26, 2019