Happy Holidays!
As the year winds down to a close, it presents an opportunity to reflect on the past year and begin thinking about the new one.
When I arrived in February, it was a busy time, as the 2024-2025 budget preparation was already underway. Coupled with doing my best to get to know the Library Staff, the Library Board, and the Community of New Castle, it was a chaotic time! But everyone—from the Staff, the Board of Trustees, community partners, to the patrons—welcomed me with open arms. The opportunity to work in Chappaqua as its Library Director is a gift that has continued to give. I am incredibly fortunate and grateful to come to work here every day.
The staff here is phenomenal. I have never worked with a more devoted, conscientious, and thoughtful group. Every department goes above and beyond every day to provide the customer service this community expects and deserves. To them, I say thank you. I've always believed that when one person shines in an organization, everyone in that organization shines; there is no better example of that than at this library.
The Board of Trustees works very hard and thoughtfully to make sure that this Library functions to the best of its ability. They have been engaged with the Library and this community as Chappaqua Library advocates. Thank you, Pam, George, John, Jennifer, and Brian, for supporting us!
Our Adult Services staff continues to think about what could be next, and 2025 is shaping up to be exciting. There will be some new programming ideas coming in 2025, our Museum Pass offerings are expanding, and so is our Library of Things (an induction cooktop and walking sticks were two of several items added this year).
Our new Assistant Director (and Children's Librarian Extraordinaire), Robbin Friedman, has begun to do more outreach in this position to expand collaboration with our community partners, and I know she is looking forward to building on what has already been accomplished this year.
Cathy Paulsen, our YA Librarian, continues to keep our teens engaged with dynamic programming, our flower and vegetable garden, and will begin hosting visits by students and staff from Bell Middle School starting in January.
It's hard to imagine that our Kids Room can outdo what they have already been doing, but I have been assured by Mercy, one of our Children's Librarians, that they will "continue to rock the world" in 2025!
And finally, our lovely Circulation, Technical Services, and Admin Departments will continue to greet you with a smile and a warm welcome when you visit. We hope to see you soon.
My best wishes to each of you for a peaceful holiday season and a joyful 2025.
With kind regards,